Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My take on the nominations ...

Hey Molly - thanks for pointing out that this has truly been more of a life-long obsession for us. Oh, and one of the first social things I did with Maureen and her family was to go over on Oscar night. That was the first time I participated in a ballot ... It was the year of Cher, and Moonstruck. I remember winning the Doyle family Oscar Pool that year! I was hooked! :-)

Here's my initial thoughts about the nominations:

#1) People clapped their hands when Crash was nominated. It got the buzz in the room, like Sideways did last year. I have seen Crash. It was ... a'ight, I suppose. I've heard some people say that it "really got them thinking." To which I say - you should have been thinking a long time ago. Have you seen Do the Right Thing? So - Crash is my pick for overblown accolades this year. I figure so many people were IN the movie that it's receiving a bunch of noms simply because of the degree of separation most Academy voters have to the movie.

#2) The Beautiful Actress turns Ugly theory seems to be in effect again this year ... Felicity Huffman, usually an interesting beauty, made herself look trans-gendered. Turning otherwise beautiful women into ugly/unattractive women is THE KEY to a Best Actress Academy Award nomination. This year, we have two working models of the theory - Huffman, and Charlize Theron, who did her best to look drab in North Country (ok - maybe three ... depending on what you think of Dame Judy). Meeeooow! I'm so catty. Ok - I haven't yet seen any of the films starring the women nominated in this category though - so I oughta shuddup.

#3) I was THRILLED to see that Jake Gyllenhaal received a nomination for Brokeback Mountain. It's just right, you know?

#4) Dolly Parton got nominated for Best Song. That's cool. How weird to think that Dolly Parton has received more nominations (and wins!) than Don Cheadle? I mean, didn't Parton win for "9-5" ????

#5) George Clooney is a MOVIE STAR. Molly and I saw him in his first big screen flick - From Dusk Til Dawn. Prior to that he was primarily famous as Dr. Ross on ER, and the cute guy from The Facts of Life - little screen stuff. During From Dusk Til Dawn, I remember turning to Molly and saying, "George Clooney is a movie STAR."

#6) Revenge of the Sith gets NO LOVE for special effects? I thought that was kinda weird.

#7) Sorry Maureen - Russell Crowe and Cinderella Man got no love, either. I trust you when you say he, and the movie, deserved it.

So -- we have plenty to dish about for the next month! Let the discussions begin!!!! Yeeeehaaawww!


molly_g said...

You have me slightly nervous about seeing Crash. I've heard good things about it, and yet, I worry that you are right. It's rehashing the things we already should know.

Oh, and you are so right about poor George Lucas and no nom for special effects.

Peggy said...

YES, Molly and I paid money to see it ... primarily because of Rodriguez, the director, but secondarily because of Clooney, the actor ... He had that movie star quality - even in that film. He commands the screen. He's a S-T-A-R!

Oh, and Reenie? They fight vampires - the living dead. It's scaredy and ooky. Not really great, but ooky. :-)

molly_g said...

QT was definitely involved in some way with that movie. He might have written it. It was right after Pulp Fiction, and I was all up Quentin Tarantino's butt at that time.

It's funny, because I can hardly stomach his films now. I actually used to like Resevoir Dogs? ew.